Formulated in Darwin YHA and NT State Library 13/8/2003 AD
5th Revision 21/1/15 ANU Unilodge room 162
Prior to that world government, once the below suggested rights are clarified, and agreed upon, and after that incorporated into the first UOCA Constitution, then they should not be something lightly changed as they should provide the bedrock for human stability and evolution on the path to utopia. It is not the intention that the future plan for humanity proposed in the second part, be part of the constitution as this must be flexible to the needs of humanity and that cannot be possibly accurately predicted on this time span.
The rights listed below are merely a suggestion as to the appropriate rights that are needed for the world government and no doubt need improvement. The same is also true of the plan for humanity. They are not a statement of fixed goals, and whether they remain part of the greater plan for the utopia depends on the social acceptance of such changes and scientific findings of medical research, including in Project Eden with food and economic research, so as to ensure no detrimental harm to the public at large and only public benefit as a totality. It is highly likely that they will be modified depending on many unknown factors that evolve humanity into the future. Ultimately the final arbitration will be in the hands of the World Government being the people themselves.
1. All creatures are equal - The right to equality.
It simply means spiritually we have as great and no lesser right to exist than anything else. This means that our inherent inequality is understood for what it is as a purely material manifestation coming from divine love that is pure spirit and knows no inequality. Therefore when we do use our unequal individual abilities and talents that we do so knowing that this unique gift is a privilege ultimately ruled by love and when we accept others' abilities and talents we do so with gratitude knowing that they are equally subject to this divine law of love. Therefore everyone has the right to correct the behaviour of anyone who asserts their superiority over others and to correct anyone who allows themselves to be treated with inferiority by others on the basis of their difference. This is the right to equality.
2. The right to be One or Nothing (or the right to god or no god).
3. The right to wealth
4. The right to evolve
5. The right to an education and livelihood
6. The right to control capital and information - both tangible and intangible
7. The right to rule
8. The right to be healthy, protected and protect the environment
9. The right to move
10. The right to monitor
A. Environmental, Economic, Political, Military and Health Holistic Plan
UOCA Communist Manifesto: digression politically explaining our current political system as opposed to the Holistic world view of Fritjof Capra's Turning Point, which is a strong base for UOCA's mission and should be referred to, to clarify UOCA's vision for humanity.
Nevertheless, this painful phase we are going through now has its own truth as in the process we realize then that we do not live in a completely free society, but a façade of democracy, a pseudo-democracy thinly hiding a mostly totalitarian ruled state under the control of either capitalist or socialist elite, in which the individual has little power as war is waged between these two power blocks through parliament and legislation by the majority elected party. Groups of citizens can influence these parties through lobby groups which in turn can give rise to corruption through donations to the parties. Wealth or organised labour unions, therefore, become a dominating factor in being able to influence party decisions and so laws. Sadly justice in our society largely depends upon wealth deciding an individual's ability to access the law.
Still, there is, under our limited technology, little else that is a better system to govern everyone fairly. This dictatorship through parliament and voting in representatives from the two dominating power blocks is far preferable to an actual dictatorship or totalitarian state like China, where dissent is imprisoned. Free will is limited and individual freedoms guided by the rule of law are oppressed in the name of consensus and arbitrary judiciary that decisions are based on the whims of those in control, not objective laws and truth. Yet COVID-19 shows that strict control by the government has its benefits in preventing pandemics. Human rights suffer as minorities are persecuted who do not conform to the government value system. Social control through face recognition, social credits vilifying people and imprisonment for outright dissent reduce human rights and individual dignity and respect. Technology and wealth generation can still boom despite this as long as the market is not curtailed.
In our democracy The State allows a certain level of corruption in the health, economic power of its citizens and in looking after the environment (corruption in health in the form of alcohol, pharmaceuticals, junk food, obesity, meat, swearing, gambling, violent entertainment, pornography, prostitution etc and economic corruption in the form of capitalist ownership exploiting workers, eg CEO bonuses, share trading, monopolies, billionaires and environmental corruption in deforestation, carbon pollution, water pollution and misuse, electromagnetic pollution from communication towers, genetic manufactured food, support of the car industry and lack of proper public transport, animal cruelty and exploitation in particular poultry and pork) but will not tolerate corruption beyond that level as a means not only to prevent harm to the people of the state,but because allowing this level of corruption is a means to control the people so that they continue to act to benefit the aims of the state without rebelling or impinging significantly upon the wealth of the capitalist elite or the rights of the union movement. These aims largely follow the aims of the Capitalist or Socialist elite.
There is a fine balance between the wants of the individual and the state, where the media will react if the state attempts to legislate against the perceived interests of the individual, unions or the capitalist elite. The state, for instance, did attempt to restrict alcohol and make prostitution, gambling and pornography illegal, but it abandoned this because a significant minority of the individuals within the state ignored the law and greater harm was being caused by lack of regulation.
If the individual gains too great an awareness of spiritual truth and attempts to change themselves, or others, or to alter or expose the corruption in the system, the state and the media will attempt to discredit them or even imprison them if it determines that their ability to control its citizens [through allowing this degree of corruption in their environment, economic, health and mental state] is being threatened (Examples of this are - rawfooders have been imprisoned under the MHA in Australia purely on the basis of their diet being considered harmful, they've been labelled as psychotic and forcibly injected with anti-psychotics resulting in one person's suicide; thus showing the incompetent abuse of power and ignorance in our medical system and government laws.).
Osho was imprisoned, and his ashram closed down in the USA. Ananda Marga was harassed, and members were imprisoned in Australia. The Communist Party in Australia was outlawed, harassed, and members imprisoned. Environmental and Animal Rights groups have been harassed and members imprisoned) An example of this conflict between socialism and capitalism is the equitable mining tax of 2011 to redistribute wealth under the Socialist government. In this case, the government was attempting to create a fairer distribution of wealth, yet the media, under the capitalist elite, swayed the people against the tax using their propaganda as it attacked their wealth interests and the Labor government lost power and the tax repealed. The tax itself didn't work anyway because the capitalist elite manipulated the laws to avoid it.
DRUGS and the counter culture revolution of the 1960s
As hallucinogenic drugs particularly LSD that opened up consciousness in the 1960s and can open up this spiritual awareness the state makes them illegal. The state is partially correct in its anti-drug laws as using these drugs, especially without proper guidance, vastly accelerates the individual's psychic consciousness, often to a level beyond its ability to process harmoniously and, in most instances, is harmful and so correctly made illegal. However, the state has made an error in its approach to these drugs by not seeing how they can be used beneficially and correctly educating the people about this. Hence many people disobey the law and are unnecessarily damaged as a result. When a significant minority continuously disobey a law it is an indication the law needs reforming.
James believes that there should be strict control over drug use, and in most instances, they should be illegal. However, a reform committee in government is required to determine how to educate people, especially at the school level, as to the harm these drugs can cause and why they are illegal. Further than this the beneficial and correct use of these substances needs to be investigated with university research so that people can be educated correctly as to the use of these substances. Australia is to be commended as the first nation to legalise psilocybin to treat depression. So, there are a lot of positive aspects to Australia's current system that need to be encouraged.
Australia, James believes, is in part a pseudo-democracy, due for the most part to its electoral laws that have supported a two-party dictatorship where the party hierarchy dictates its member's policy. This hierarchy is significantly manipulated and controlled by wealthy individuals and large corporations under the National-Liberal Party Coalition, which although two parties represent the capitalist elite in the agricultural sector for the Nationals and all other industries for the Liberals. Although their electorate differs and the specific industries they represent, effectively, they act for the same capitalist form of elite, so they can be classified as one party block.
Labor as a socialist workers' party, is significantly more democratic and concerned about human rights. However, it still suffers the same problem of hierarchy and manipulation by an entrenched union movement who have their own self-interests and often corruption. James believes this system also needs reform to more democratically reflect the interests of the multifarious nature of society through proportional representation and removing hierarchical control within parties by more democratic processes, in particular in relation to the pre-selection of candidates for representation.
The fact that for
instance in 2007 the Green Party received 7.8% of the vote nationally yet has
no representation at all in the lower house of Federal parliament whilst the
right wing National Party on 5.5% gained 10 seats, exemplifies this
pseudo-democratic system of representation that skews itself to the capitalist
elite exploiting a localised-electorate voting system rather than using
proportional representation. Again, failure to address this has led to the two major parties getting out of touch with the people they represent and operating in a dictatorial ruler-based mentality where the leader has far too much power. However, that Howard was removed suggests that there is some level of democracy under our system, yet the fact he remained there so long indicates its need for reform. James believes we need a new People's Republic of Australia with a new
constitution -see his article on a second referendum while still retaining strong ties with the UK as our forebear.
Society appears to James to be subliminally advancing by scientific, technical evolution to eventually develop a new form of AI silicon life to replace our carbon-based life form. This is being achieved by having the population sedated and controlled through the subconscious machinations of the entertainment, communications, robotics, pharmaceutical and medical industry. Whether this is a natural evolution of civilisation or encoded in our universe's biology, or of divine origination regardless of what the reason for this progression for humanity is there is absolutely no doubt that it is occurring.
In particular, the health industry, while achieving some miraculous advances in the last two centuries for the benefit of all, is still only superficially based on health because, due to its compartmentalised approach, it most often suppresses the symptoms of disease rather than curing. In fact, the direction it is heading in more and more is towards keeping people disempowered and subservient to a system that is ultimately based on cruelty and fear having its base in animal testing and ultimately medical experimentation through using artificially manufactured chemicals on humans - of which in 1995 James was going to be forcibly sectioned and injected with drugs had he not protested as a breach of human and civil rights during his 48 hour incarceration by the State on Mental Health grounds simply because he was living very safely connected to nature in the bush doing Aboriginal shamanic Walkabout naked using marijuana that the government thought was a danger to his health.
He believes that the current trajectory of humanities advancements indicate a subliminal progress that if unchecked will be followed by genetic engineering and then cybernetics to improve the species and then replace it with AI robots (the new artificial intelligent silicon life form evolving) within 1000 years. This was, in part, his motivation for starting UOCA. He expects scepticism to this viewpoint, however, the rapid development of AI seems to be proving he is right - this is nothing new to humanity as all predictions have been scoffed at, including those stating the sun was at the centre of the solar system (the state jailed Galileo for this heresy), that man could fly in an aircraft, land on the moon, that the universe contained galaxies, that space and time are relative, that particles exist as an uncertainty, even the laws of gravity were denied when Newton proposed his theory and finally opposition to Darwin's biological theory of evolution nearly drove him to his death and still has religious fundamentalists in agony.
Necessity of UOCA
The inevitable reality is without the Hollywood hype, Arnie Schwarzenegger's Terminator trilogy is closer to the truth than most bodybuilders could imagine. Robots may not in the end try and eliminate us, but they will certainly supersede us and may, through AI, start to question our continued use - limiting us instead to nature reserves like we do endangered species or keeping us as pets or for animal experimentation science in order to assess their past evolution. Very much as we are doing to our distant relatives. Therefore it is imperative that humanity have a long-term plan to avoid this and create a utopia for us that is as closely connected to harmony and peace with this planet as possible. Project Eden and UOCA are the most intelligent means to achieving this. Therefore worth creating now. Rather than when it is too late.
B. TIMELINE of desired outcomes
This does not represent the current purposes or goals of UOCA. It is merely a very rough guide to the future timeline for UOCA and is not to be taken as doctrine and to be easily able to be altered as the future is almost impossible to predict. In following any of these suggestions, always, the protection and benefit to humanity as it currently stands must take priority and changes made according to this standard. It is just a very general outline of a future vision for our planet as a vegan yogic paradise without crime, wars, cruelty and with economic, social, legal, racial and cultural equality.
2100-2350 Begin intensive deconditioning of the population using UOCA holistic mind/body techniques and practices
2040-2700 Development of space
industry to develop space stations on Moon, Mars and eventually all planets in
the solar system. To move human colonies to these systems in order to research
terraforming suitable planets for human habitation and evolving life there.
Terraforming of planets to begin.
3000 – 10,000
Interstellar drive systems and starships to be developed to reach the
closest stars and their exo-planets to research viability of exploiting
economic development, colonisation and terraforming. First missions to be sent
to Alpha Centauri. Gradual expansion of missions to other stars.
Development of faster-than-light engine drive system for starships to
vastly accelerate humanity's colonisation of the galaxy, bringing it to life.
Colonisation and terraforming of likely a completely lifeless galaxy apart from
Earth. Ensuring the UOCA principles and rights are encoded into all colonies to
prevent disharmony.
AI and cybernetics including robotics to be closely
monitored in its development so that it does not become harmful to humanity and
is always beneficial. And cannot usurp humanity. Rules similar to those
formulated by Asimov to prevent robots from harming humans. All AI must have the principles and rights of UOCA embedded into their computer system. This includes part biological robots such as cyborgs.
VIII UOCA Genetics
Genetic engineering and cloning, particularly of humans, must be carefully controlled so that it benefits humanity only. If it is useful in eradicating disease, pain, and suffering and improves humanity's health, it should be encouraged.
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